
Meggle 辣香草牛油 - 125 g

Butter specialty from Meggle. Butter and a balanced spicy herb-spice preparation with paprika and chili

定價 $49
定價 售價 $49
Pack of 120 g

供貨狀況:  有庫存

Keep refrigerated. Please see original packaging
BUTTER 57%, rapeseed oil, onions 11%, parsley 6%, garlic 3%, salt, herbs, chili, paprika, spices, starch, spice extract, lemon juice concentrate, natural garlic flavor.
Nutrition Information per 100 g

Energy kcal/kJ: 586/2413

Protein: 1.1 g

Fat: 63 g

Saturated fat:31 g

Trans fat: 0 g

Carbohydrates: 3.1 g

Sugars: 1.6 g

Sodium: 1.3 g

Contains lactose (milk products)